Mass Times: Saturdays at 5:00 pm;
Sundays at 8:00 am and 10:30 am.
Mon, Tues, Wed* (*Communion service),
and Fri at 8:15 am;
Thurs at 6:00 pm.
St. Rita Roman Catholic Church
1008 Maple Dr., Webster, NY 14580

How would you like to share your gifts and talents?

Do you like to cook, do outdoor work, plan events, or meet new people?

There are lots of service opportunities available, both in our local area and beyond.  If you have an idea you'd like to share, we'd love to hear it.

Use the buttons below to find out more about opportunities for different age groups.


If you are interested in receiving emails about upcoming service opportunities, please fill out the form below.  

If you have questions or a project in need of some volunteers, please send a note to Elizabeth Kwiatkowski or call the Parish Office at 671-1100.